Walnut -Flower Essence (Protection from change and unwanted influences)
The Flower Essence Walnut, will help you take hold of your emotions and thoughts on unwanted changes and influences.
What are flower essences?
Flower essences are liquid extracts used to address profound issues of emotional well-being. They are part of energy medicine, which also includes homeopathy, acupuncture, color therapy, therapeutic touch, to name a few.
Where and when did flower essences originate?
Although flowers have been used for healing for many centuries, flower essences in their modern form were first developed in the 1930s by an English physician, Dr. Edward Bach. He prepared 38 remedies, mostly from English wildflowers.
How are the essences prepared?
Flower essences are dilute, potentized herbal infusions, prepared from wildflowers or pristine garden blossoms. They are made directly in nature. The blossoms are placed on the surface of a bowl of water, they are placed in sun for several hours. This process creates an energetic imprint of the energy pattern of the flower in the water, embodying the healing archetype of that plant. This “mother essence” is preserved and then further diluted and potentized to make the final flower essence.